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Re:regarding the translation file
 GIGO  - 05/5/25(水) 4:40 -

I appreciate your cooperation.

English language file for Ver 0.200 beta9

I send you my emai address,so I would like you to send your work to the address.

Thank you.

>regarding to produce the translation file in tradition chinese for V0.200
>i can help you to produce the language file in tradition chinese for Version V0.200. I hope you can provide and send a translatable English language file into my E-Mail Box which is:
>the hyperlink is a sample for translation into chinese by using original program.
141 hits

regarding the translation file nhlay 05/5/18(水) 0:30
Re:regarding the translation file GIGO 05/5/25(水) 4:40
Chinese(Traditional) Language Files for SNESGT Bate9 nhlay 05/6/5(日) 22:49

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