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Re:double-beffering (flipping) support
 GIGO  - 04/11/20(土) 23:29 -

Added flipping option.
You hove to rewrite ini file as belor manually.

- notice
It works in fullscreen-mode only.

>I know there's V-sync option in Snesgt..but on my slow computer, if it's on, it really slows down whole game play (without it, i get full speed though there's flickering and tearing) so my request is
>could you please implement double-beffering which doesn't use any extra CPU cycle, like other Snes emus ?
>take care.......
109 hits

double-beffering (flipping) support gine 04/11/8(月) 9:11
Re:double-beffering (flipping) support GIGO 04/11/20(土) 23:29

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